Devotional - April 20, 2022
An audio recording of last Sunday's service can be found on our website:
Bible Study at 10 am. on Wednesday
Choir practice Friday at 11:00 AM
Luke 24: 50-53
24: 50 When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. 51 While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. 52 Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. 53 And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.
First off, I would like to take a moment and thank everyone who made the Easter Brunch so successful; much appreciated by all!
In Luke's account, it is interesting that Jesus leaves Jerusalem the same way he comes in by way of Bethany. One can picture Jesus leading the disciples out of the city. When they arrive at the place of His departure, Jesus, with hands raised, blesses them, as He is lifted out of sight. As the scene unfolds, we are not told what they were discussing. One can imagine they were reflecting on the many occurences that transpired between them over the past three years. What the disciples had envisioned their mission would entail when they initially accepted the call to follow Jesus and how things changed over time. It's not unlike our walk with Christ. Our beliefs, our mission, our hopes, our life, they all change and so does our relationship with God. No doubt, you have testimonies entailing times and trials that propelled you past your breaking point, but God was faithful and got you through it. The disciples certainly had those times, some of which were quite recent. As Jesus leaves them, they do not seem to be disappointed or sad. In fact, their response is the opposite as they returned to Jerusalem. The very place they were found hiding behind locked doors just a few chapters ago. Now, they walk freely through the streets as they await for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Notice their confidence level. When they were confused about Jesus, they ran and hid. Now that they understand and believe the teachings of Christ, they walk about carrying out their mission. Hard times may leave us with a lot of questions, but hopefully it brings us ever closer to Christ. It forges a bond between us and God. The bond that allows for questions, concerns and mysteries. A bond that also allows us to praise God, and relate to God, even when we may not be happy with God. Yet, despite the circumstances or questions we may have, God blesses us. It says they returned to Jerusalem with great joy as they worshiped Jesus. The way they had envisioned their Passover with Jesus was far from what occurred. Now, they have a new vision, a new mission to fulfill. Passover was no longer just about Israel, now it was the entire known world. Their vying for first place, who would sit to Jesus' right and left, was over. They would each be the first to take the Gospel to the regions they would cover, telling the people about Jesus. They were overjoyed to be a part of this new venture that had been written in the Scriptures, right in front of them, but they never perceived it.
I hope these elven men can inspire you in your walk with Christ. Our walk, like theirs, rarely resembles what we perceive it to be, but that does not make it wrong. The Christian walk is difficult and can stretch us far beyond what we can take, but God is there to get us through, that we know. Like the disciples, we can follow Jesus through Bethany one way. And when we depart Jerusalem, as we pass through Bethany again, be entirely different. The same idea can be applied to their entry into Jerusalem. The first time they were praising God as the palms waved and the crowds cheered. In today's text, they are still praising God as they enter Jerusalem, but in a different way, no palms, no crowds, but with joy in their hearts. I pray that we too can stay encouraged as we follow Christ. That we stay flexible and willing to endure, knowing God is faithful.
Pray with me..., Holy God, we confess that we enjoy life when it stays predictable. We feel safe in it. Strengthen our hearts and embolden our faith, so we too can maintain our joy come what may. Hear us Lord as we ask Your blessing upon our friends and loved ones in accordance with their needs. And, bless our church, so we can be the blessing You call us to be, in Jesus name. Amen
God's peace,
Pastor Brian