Devotional - April 26, 2023
Scripture: James 5: 10-11 Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
We all have phrases or quotes that we live by. Their nature is telling. Think about some of yours. You don't have to reveal them, so be honest, what words do you live by, really... When things get tough, what Scriptures do you turn to, if any. There are some who use, fight the good fight of faith (1 Tim 6: 12). Too bad they don't read what comes before and after it to learn how to fight. They just want to fight and the results of their efforts are tragic in so many ways. Not to mention, they fail to understand that half of the fight occurs within themselves. Looking at today's text, James addresses his readers who are suffering persecution for their faith in Jerusalem. They should not be alarmed ( 1 Peter 4: 12, John 15: 18-27, 1 John 3: 13) because, like the prophets before them, they are enduring the backlash of those who do not want to hear the word of God. But, they persevered. Like a ship in the storm, they keep their bearings. They stay the course. How many times do we see Jesus demonstrating this in His life? Difficult as it was and it is difficult. In fact, in some cases downright impossible. It is impossible for those who try to do it on their own. James directly links perseverance to being blessed. Usually, folks like to link being blessed with fun times, happy times. Times when things are going well and getting better. There is nothing wrong with that, but it also includes times when God carries us through the hard times, the painful and confusing times. Look at how James uses Job as an example. Job endures a sequence of horrifying events. His faith in God, as troubled as it was, his only comfort. We see him question, suffer, and persevere. With a conflicted spirit, he holds true to the few things he knows. He was not a perfect pillar of faith. He was real. You can be too. The last thing you need when enduring hardships is a faulty image of God. Job could be Job, because God was, as James says, full of compassion and mercy. God understands our lot as One who lived it and lives it with us now (Hebrews 4: 15-16). You are not alone. Some will say, not my lot, but yes, yours...! God understands our reactions. God helps us respond in good ways. For the Christian, this process, this growing edge, never ends. Rather than fight with it, work with it, grow with God. Don't give that which opposes you a place of influence in your life with God or let it through you off course. The Jerusalem church was being buffeted by those who sought to change their course. Their life with God through Christ. James encourages them to stay the course, to stay blessed. We too need to stay blessed. We can have the blessing and peace the Lord gives because we know Jesus is Lord and is full of compassion and mercy.
Pray with me ..., Lord Jesus, sometimes we forget, You ended the battle when You rose to glory. We forget You are with us when we face the struggles and tribulations found in this life. Help us to return to our peace and live to the fullest each day we are given. Be with our loved ones as we pray. Bless them according to their needs. Hear us as we ask Your blessing on our church, so we can be the people you call us to be. In Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian