Devotional - December 14, 2022
Scripture: James 2: 5-7 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?
Timeless..., this Scripture rings true today, just as it did when James wrote it. It is amazing that those who are in need still pay homage to those who need for nothing. James holds up the mirror he spoke of earlier to show the church their folly. The exploitation of the rich upon this world is inexcusable. Yet, folks still esteem their extravagance and fame. But, what do they get in return? Exactly what James points out. But, James continues to encourage those who are seen as poor in the world. He esteems them as chosen by God. To be chosen by God is a high honor (Deuteronomy 7:6-8, 26: 17-19, and 2 Sam 7: 23-24). It should not go without saying that James is careful to describe their situation as "poor in the eyes of the world". Before God, we are all the same. We are God's beloved creation that God claimed as good (Gen 1: 27-31). When people discriminate against and disparage the image of God, they tread on dangerous ground ( Matthew 12: 35-37 -and if one's words are treated this way, what of their deeds?). Yet, some will say, "but what about ...?" One might find it best to leave the judging to God (Matt 7: 1-2). Most of us would agree, we have plenty of other things to keep us busy (Matt 7: 3-5, 6:34). What this world needs, if anything, are people who are willing to be the solution (Matt 5:13, 1 Thes 5:11). I know, easier said than done. But, at some point, one has to let go of pride and position. Let go of all the stories we believe about others and ourselves which are skewed in many ways. Instead, let love lead you. Real love, not something found in soap operas or silly thinking, but instead love that is steeped in wisdom. I love how Jesus combines the metaphor of sheep and serpents in His teaching (Matt 10:16). Sheep have no real defense, so they have to be smart, to be wise in how they live. Otherwise... They depend on their Shepherd to lead them around. Serpents have nothing at their disposal. They are a rope with a mouth attached at one end, but look what they have done with so little. The rich do not rely a lot on wisdom. Many did not become rich by using it, so why start now? They use influence and wealth to get what they want. But the poor who seek God draw on a Resource of great influence and power. A God who loves them. A God who loves us. I have no problem claiming my own foolishness. Like Paul, I can only boast in Jesus Christ ( Gal 6: 14, Jeremiah 9: 23-24, 2 Cor 12:9), ...and what freedom that brings with it. I can see clearly. I am always ready to learn. When I make a mistake, or my foolishness gets the better of me, I can turn to a God who understands me. No amount of wealth or influence can even come close to what I have in Christ Jesus. I pray you have this as well. The rich may have their friends, luxuries, and wealth for a season. All of which come with a price tag, and to me, that is true poverty. They are dismissive and adversarial against those who have faith because they feel superior to them, but cannot control them. Yet, little do they know, they may well be in the prayers of those they deem poor (James 5:6). As we continue onward to the celebration of Christmas, do not worry about how the world celebrates it. Let them do as they please. Rather, be the Christian Christ seeks to display to the world in you.
Pray with me, Holy God, help us to see ourselves as You see us, not as the world sees us. Let Your presence and power work in and through us in a way that we may experience Your glory. Bless our loved ones and family according to their needs. And, yes Lord, bless our church. We are thankful for it. In Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian