Devotional - February 8, 2023
James 3: 1-2 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
James makes what appears to be an abrupt change from his previous focus, faith without deeds, to the current one. He begins by talking about those who desire to be teachers. Yet, did he change his focus? Does faith without deeds have anything to do with teaching the word of God or being a minister. Yes, it does. The old adage, those who can't do, teach, does not apply to ministry. God is aware of what folks do in his name and God will hold them accountable for their actions in the end. James makes allowances for honest mistakes. Everyone "stumbles", but to stumble usually refers to tripping over something we did not see. Sometimes, stumbling can lead to revelations one did not previously understand. I love hearing folks say, "I did not think about it that way before, let me do a little more research..." Why? Because, it means they are going to spend some time with God working on the issue. Teaching the word of God, or being a minister, is never about us, it is about God. God empowers it, God directs it, God works through it. It's all about God, beginning to end. Too many in this field want to be the center of attention or meet unfulfilled needs. In the end, they will see the results. Keep in mind, sharing one's faith and "teaching" are two different things. Another saying, say what you mean and mean what you say, holds true for James. If you can operate at a level where you are "never at fault" with what you say, you can teach! And in today's world, teach regularly! It takes a lot to rise to that level of integrity, especially in the ways of Christ. We will consider this topic more because James goes on to discuss it. For now, seek to understand why you speak and act the way you do. If someone saw the whole picture, our motives along with our words and deeds, what would it teach them about us?
Pray with me..., Holy God, we confess we need to slow down and think more about our service to You. How and why we do what we do. You know our motives. Help us where we struggle. Lord, we pray for our loved ones, bless them according to their needs and bless our church as we seek to be Your people, in Jesus name, Amen
God's peace,
Pastor Brian