Devotional - June 21st, 2023

     Scripture: Jude 1:9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

Our second angel is Michael.  There at the end of his name we notice the "el" so our curiosity is stirred and we wonder if it is in reference to God.  It is.  The name Michael means Who Is Like God?  Interesting, Michael's name is a rhetorical question.  Who is like or can compare with God, no one.  We do not find the angel Michael speaking with folks.  Michael, instead, is often depicted as being a guardian angel or an angel that is called in times of need.  When the great war in heaven is depicted in Revelations, Michael leads the troops of God against the devil (dragon) and the forces of evil (Rev 12: 7-9).  Michael prevails showing the validity of his name.  It is Michael who comes to the aid of his fellow angel in the book of Daniel when opposing forces hindered the work of God (Daniel 10: 12-13).  In Daniel 10:21, the angel further describes Michael and being Daniel's "prince".  Many like to surmise that there is a hierarchy amongst angels.  When reading texts about angels, I suppose there is merit to this idea, but stay open to another one.  By using terms like prince, it positions them in a lesser authoritative position than God (King).  They have authority and power, but it is power that has been delegated to them by God.  I think there is a crucial lesson found in Michael that is much needed in the church today.  There are many who want to confront evil, which is good, but the way they do so is, ...unfortunately, evil.  Like Jesus said to the religious leaders of His day, they no not the Scriptures of the power of God (Matthew 22: 29-33).  Notice that the correct understanding of Scripture and the authority of God go together ...and I added another reference about angels for good measure ; )  It's like what we see in the news where people try to police a situation in ways that do not conform to the law.  They may know the law, even to the degree of being law enforcement officers, but they end up doing things that are against the law.  Fredrick Neitzsche warned that those who fight monsters should beware that they do not become like monsters.  Spend your time infatuated in the ways of evil (abyss) and it will make its way into you.  All the while, you think you are working against it.  He would know, he was the son of a minister and grew up in a "Christian" home.  It was far from Christian and what resulted was truly catastrophic.  Where does it say the road leads, even with the best of intentions?  Michael does not operate with good intentions, nor spend his time daydreaming about evil forces.  He spends his time knowing and following God.  He is not even tempted to do otherwise, because, who is like God?  There is one way (John 14: 6, 1 John 1: 5-7) and in following that way, we bear the Light into all situations (Matt 5:16).

Pray with me ...,  Holy God, we admit at times we get frustrated.  We want to press ahead and do things our way.  Give us the courage and strength to seek Your will.  The discernment to know the right course of action.  Lord, we ask Your blessing upon our loved ones and our church.  In Jesus name, Amen. 

God's peace,

Pastor Brian



Devotional - June 28th, 2023


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