Devotional - Sept. 4, 2024
Scripture: Galatians 5: 16-18 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
We live in a generation of, if it feels good, sounds good, and or fulfills what I want..., I'm doing it. I am the captain of my ship and no one is taking that away from me. Keeping with the context of this text, Paul is trying to get the Galatian church to stop listening to the Judiasers who are trying to subject the people back under the Law even to the extentent of being circumcised; thinking that would solidify their salvation. One's salvation does not correspond to a bunch of does and don'ts. Interestingly, folks who try to subject others under such circumstances often blur the lines for themselves and others when convenient. Notice the verbs in this text in reference to the Spirit, "walk" and "led". When someone wants to show you something, they may ask you to take a walk with them. They want you to experience what they are trying to show you. They will guide you through it, but they want you to fully experience, on your own, what they are trying to show you. I can tell you about the process of baking bread. Or, I can invite you into the kitchen and show you how to make the dough and put it into the oven. Then, we can discuss the process as the room fills with the rich aroma of baking bread and afterward, have a few slices with butter and jam. Our Shepherd, in this case being the Spirit (1 John 5: 5-12), leads us onward and walks with us. All the while, the Spirit (God) is showing us things, making us think, teaching us through his Word and the experiences we encounter along the way. And, in the process we draw closer with God. Our relationship with God grows deeper and deeper. For to allow ourselves to be led by Spirit, to walk with God, we have to trust God (Hebrews 11:6-8). When it comes to the flesh, Pauls uses two other verbs, "gratify" and "desires". They deal with getting one's needs met now. Something is affecting us and we need to address it. There is no contemplation of what is causing the need or why. The focus is on the experience of gratifying the desire. It truly is of the flesh and the flesh is one's god and therefore in opposition to God. If you are in Christ, you will feel this opposition (Romans 7: 14-25). Whatever you do, do not give in to the feelings of failure and guilt when you fall (2 Corinthians 12: 8-9). The Lord has not given up on you and never will. Keep walking and keep striving in the areas where you excel and know God loves you for it. Where you struggle, struggle. Work at it, walk with the Spirit and ask for guidance to better understand what is going on. Continue to get stronger in your problem areas, but don't give in and call the desires of the flesh good or Godly. Like Paul says, as long as you are walking with God, even if you are stumbling every step of the way, you are not under the law of sin. And no, there are no age limits on this process. I admire folks who continue to strive and grow with God even in their golden years.
Pray with me..., Holy God how good it is that You walk with us, in all areas of our life. Help us to keep our eyes on You. Grant us strength and as we trust in Your grace to see us through. Lord, we are thankful that we can ask for Your blessings on our loved ones. Hear us as we pray for our church. Help us to be the people You call us to be, in Jesus' name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian