Devotional - Sept. 18, 2024

Scripture: Galatians 5: 22-23  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Notice how the situation has changed over the past few devotionals.  We went from walking and being led, to considering our actions and reactivity, to today being fuit, or a product.  Paul is not using these contexts out of convenience.  They are intentional and they come from his own experience.  His own struggles.  The process of producing fruit is quite involved.  A seed needs good ground from which to grow (Matthew 13: 18-23).  Then, it has to make it through the growing process filled with all kinds of events like drought, flooding, and storms (Matthew 7: 24-27).  Then the tree starts to mature and produce buds which give way to fruit.  Paul encourages the Galatian church that God will lead them to and through this phase of the growth process (Galatians 5:18).  The question is, do people want to make the trip (Luke 9:62).  There is a Shaolin saying about training. There are only two mistakes along the way to self mastery.  Not beginning and not going all the way.  When we look at this list above, we find all of these traits in Jesus both in the Gospels and in our own relationship with God.  Jesus learned these ways of being the same way we do, by way of the Spirit and His own experiences (Hebrews 5: 8).  However, some of us may have started down the path with the Spirit, but for whatever reason we stopped.  Maybe it got too hard or we got involved in something contrary to the Spirit and we followed it instead.  If you are on-point with God, amen!  If you did veer away, let me mention something.  Look again at the list.  What do all those attributes have in common?  All of them are the product (fruit) of wisdom.  Wisdom, not as the world gives (1 Cor 2: 6-8), but as God gives (Isaiah 11:1-5).  It takes wisdom to truly love another, have joy, or peace.  The law was given as instruction to help people grow in wisdom regardless of who they were (Psalms 19:7).  And, the Spirit continues to lead us and teach us in the ways of Jesus (John 16:13).  Folks if you find yourself deficient in some of these areas, join the club.  It is not easy (Philippians 3: 12-18).  But have faith, and ask God for wisdom in the areas where you are struggling (James 1:5).  Go all the way, so you may have the blessing God seeks to give you as you walk in the Spirit.  

One thing I would like to add is my thankfulness toward all who take the time to read these devotionals.  I appreciate it...  And, I hope I am able to raise some issues for your consideration as you walk with God.      

Pray with me ..., Holy God how blessed we are that You seek to walk with us through this life.  We confess we give up sometimes or seek other ways.  We give thanks for Your mercy and forbearance when that happens.  Quicken our spirit, that we may keep in step with You.  We ask Your blessing upon our family members and loved ones.  Be with our church O God, help us to be the people You call us to be.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

God's peace,

Pastor Brian


Devotional - Sept. 25, 2024


Devotional - Sept. 11, 2024