Devotional - Jan. 1, 2025
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9: 24: Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Bang! The starter pistol has announced the race has begun. We are off and running in 2025. So, how are you going to do this year? You ask, what kind of question is that? We dont even know what will happen. I did not ask what you will do this year. I asked how you will do, what you will do, this year. How are you going to run this race? Simply put, I am not a runner, but many enjoy it. When they run, they have a plan, a formula, for how they run. The plan takes into account things like the terrain, their placement in the race (if they are in one), and climate issues. If they are in a race, where in the pack do they begin the race? Are they in the middle, the front, or at the end? Most of us approach the race of life with a get-through-it mentality. Good, bad, or ugly, we just want to get through it and get it over with, not that we want it to end. We want to avoid all the messiness of it. We understand this is not the best approach, but it usually works, so we do it. Paul in the text today encourages the Corintians to run in such a way as to get the prize. What is your "prize" this year? What are your goals? Folks, please set some goals for yourself this year. Nothing you cannot attain, but pick one or two and achieve them. Make a plan that details how you will attain them and begin working toward them. You can share these with others for accountability purposes or you can keep them to yourself, but stay accountable to what you plan to do. Then, with purpose and prayer, begin. Know that if one of your goals is spiritual, and I hope there will be one or two, God is a great teacher (Matthew 11: 28-30 and John 14:16). You are already on day one and soon it will be day two. A lot of people suffer from depression and loneliness during this time of year. One reason for this is because they have allowed the issues of their life to hinder their progression. They ruminate over all their losses and hardship and take every setback or negative situation to mean they lost. Not true. It is pare (golf) for the course. If the ball you were playing got lost in the woods, pull another out of the bag, tee it up, and off you go. Never get lost in what other "runners" are doing around you and forget why you are running. Who you are accountable to in your life. And, never be beyond learning new things. It is one of life's true joys. I hope you set some goals for this year and claim some prizes.
Pray with me ..., Holy God walk with us as we step into this new year. Grant us the strength, courage, and wisdom we need to meet the challenges we will face. Be with our loved ones we pray. Bless them in accordance with their needs. And bless our church, as we seek to be your people in 2025, in Jesus' name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian