Devotional - Nov. 20, 2024

Scripture: 1 John 4: 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. (Love)

Wow  ...not as easy as it sounds, especially when we know Jesus' stance on others (Luke 10: 25-37).  Some may try squeezing through a theological crack and say, this only applies to family or fellow believers.  If you look at the text in Luke I cited, you will see His teachings are not that specific.  Yet, some would say, if you can get along with family, you can get along with anyone.  Today, we are focusing on the word love since it is the first in our list of walking by way of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).  I know some of you are questioning, is the Greek word for love in this text the same as it is in Galatians?  Afterall, there are many Greek words that are translated into English as the word love.  Right you are, but no dice.  The Greek words are the same and the word is agape.  Agape love is not self centered.  There is no, what's in it for me.  Notice Jesus said, love, not like.  Let's face it folks, there are plenty of people we do not like and vice versa.  That's right, as amazing as it sounds, there may even be some people who don't like you.  Our standard is not to like everyone, or even be liked by everyone, it is to love one another (Mt 22:37-40 & John 13:34-35).  Whether we like others or not, we maintain faith and our integrity when dealing with them.  We never lose ourselves to the point of hating.  Hate is evil.  Someone can enrage you, but that does not give you the right to hate them. To hate someone is to detest and/or persecute.  When you allow your dislike to slide into the category of hate, you've gone too far.  Remember, no one is perfect.  Others will anger you ...and vice versa.  When angered, are you willing to allow others to respond to you as you have with them?  If so, tell them so they know how to respond to you.  How about God, can God do likewise?  Let's face it folks, we do plenty that God does not like.  But remember, the issue here is love.  We may not like others, but our love for them remains (Luke 6:27-28).  It is because of our love and compassion for others that we look past the things we do not like (1 Peter 4:8).  Let us always remember, God loves all humanity, ...profoundly.  God seeks salvation for all (John 3:16-17, 2 Peter 3:9).  Like I said, God does not demand we like each other, but to love each other.  Keep in mind, the same God who watches over you, watches over others too.  And God is not partial (Ro. 2:11 & Deut 10:7).  But, I hope that we can continue to strive to like one another too.  It makes loving easier.  When that does not happen, let us continue to love one another and treat each other as we would want to be treated.  Always remember when I write these devotionals, I am never giving license for anyone to abuse others or to take abuse as a form of being loving toward them. 

Pray with me ..., Holy God, help us to love others even when we do not like them.  Keep us mindful of our own shortcomings.  Hear us as we pray for our loved ones.  We ask Your blessing upon them and we ask Your blessing on our church.  Help us to be the people You call us to be in Jesus' name, Amen.

God's peace,

Pastor Brian


Devotional - Nov. 27, 2024


Devotional - Nov. 13, 2024