Devotional - June 5, 2024
Scripture: Galatians 3: 6-7 So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham.
Paul is trying to tell the Galatians, and us, that we continue the lineage of faith that reaches as far back as Abraham. Faith that relies on our belief in what God has promised; in what God has said. Actually, it reaches back all the way to Adam and Eve. They were told to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In other words, God said let me be God, your God, rather than you turning to your own understanding of good and evil. By doing so, we will work together for eternity maintaining and managing the earth in a good way. One would think they would have liked the idea since God created it, but no. They were already making their own decisions. It took faith to stay with God and believe what God had said to them. They thought they could do just fine on their own. Plenty today think the same way. Think about Noah when God called to him and said build an ark. Instruction after instruction, God gave to Noah and Noah continued to build and gather. It took faith. I'm sure Noah had plenty of other ideas, but he continued to have faith that God was trustworthy. And now, there is Abraham. A man with only one wish. And that wish was that his legacy would continue on after he passed. That's it. He got his wish. It was a long journey, but by the will and way of God, his legacy continued onward in ways he could have never imagined. Abraham's relationship with God was impressive due to honesty and it's authenticity. Abraham, ...was Abraham, but even when he failed, even when he grew weary, he believed (Romans 4:18). Hard as it is folks, that is a good lesson for us. Let your faith in God be steadfast and secure. You may not be perfect. Do not transfer that onto God. Leave God and all that God is in place regardless of your situation. Yes, you may have to make some changes, work through some things, but know that God is with you, period.
Pray with me.., Holy God how good it is to know You never change toward us. You are faithful and loving. Let that quicken our hearts to believe in You. To have faith, regardless of what occurs in this life. Hear us as we pray for our loved ones. Bless them O God in accordance with their needs. And yes Lord, we ask Your blessing on our church, that we may glorify You through it, in Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian