Devotional - June 8, 2022
Scripture: Daniel 10: 19 “Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.” When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength.”
The text for today comes from the book of Daniel. Not probably the text most people pick when looking for a passage on peace, but let me share with you why I like it. First, the word from the angel to Daniel is one of encouragement. It reframes the situation for Daniel and he gains a new perspective on the situation. God calls us to be peace-makers (Mt 5:9). Usually, we interpret that to mean arbitrating between two or more parties. Yet, more often, you encounter situations where a person has lost their peace due to an incident. It is during times like these when we can offer a word of encouragement and peace. We can remind others that God is there; that God is with them. We can help them reframe their situation and embolden them through a word of faith. We share the peace that resides in us with them. On the other hand, we, ourselves, may be the person who needs peace. We cannot always count on others to bring it to us. We need to seek it from God ourselves. David knew how (1 Sam 30: 6), and as king, he needed to rely on his personal relationship with God on a regular basis. If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not be dismayed . In some ways it is a sign of spiritual maturity. Have an "arsenal" of Scripture verses and experiences that embolden you to calm the storm in the strong name of Jesus. Just think, you have been through countless bad days and difficult scenarios, but in the end, by God's grace, you've beat them all. In today's text, Daniel finds himself succumbing to fear due to the severity of his situation and the nature of the revelation he was being shown. The angel spoke to him reminding him that God was with him. Most of us think, well bully for Daniel, but I doubt my ranking with God is as high as his. Don't be too sure... God does not keep track of our sins and failures (Ps 103:13). And, God knows we are not perfect. We keep score. God keeps encouraging us onward. When Paul finally got this concept (Philippians 3:13-14), you notice he stops wasting time in his letters ruminating over self-deprivation or justification. He accepted the amazing grace found in the New Covenant (Eph 2:8) and continued to grow and strive as he continued on in ministry. When Christ negates the power of the accuser's voice in our head, we can hear what the angel says to Daniel. "Peace! Be strong now; be strong." Hear this not as a rebuke, but instead as a word from one who is for you, will never give up on you, and knows what you have in Christ. But, as with many things that come from God, the question is, will you receive it? I know it is difficult to bat negativity away when we seek to receive from God. The angel spends most of chapter ten encouraging Daniel until he finally receives it. And when he does, his soul rests and experiences the peace God gave as he carried out his mission. God wants us to have peace in our lives too. We need to accept it both as a gift and as a choice. It may entail some exertion on our part to push through the negativity and steel ourselves so as to receive what God has given us. Like Daniel, it may take us a while to come around, but God is faithful, so stay with it and prevail.
Before we close, I want to extend a special THANK-YOU to all who brought in cream pies last Sunday... God bless!!!
Pray with me... Holy God, at times we want to fall back and lose the peace you have given us. At times, it seems easier. Quicken our hearts, O God, revive us, and remind us we are not alone and the battle is not ours to fight. You are with us. You are our Savior and Redeemer. And for that, we are thankful. Be with our loved ones, bless them according to their needs. Be with our church, continue to lead us, that we may be the people You call us to be. In Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian