Devotional - May 1, 2024
Scripture: Galatians 2:14 When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?
Ouch! Nothing like getting served a cold dose of reality. As Christians, we can never say, "do as I say, not as I do." Sadly, we hear it way too much. Not always said outright, but the sentiment is there. We freely judge or correct others, especially if we disapprove of them (Matthew 7: 1-5). Yet, when it comes to our life or those we like, we find a way to overlook things. Paul confronts Cephas (Peter) over an issue that he had to face himself. Paul, more than anyone, would have much preferred to be with the Jews then Gentiles. Afterall, he was a Pharisee and would have felt right at home among them. But, God continued to move on his heart until he realized the truth and changed his way of being. I'm sure it took a while, but he did it. Cephas was in the same process, but was not yielding to God's will. Paul helps him. Most of us chafe at criticism. We don't like it. Yet, when we receive it from someone who deserves our attention, as Paul was to Peter, then we need to listen. Unfortunately, not all those who criticize fall into this category. As I already said in the previous devotion, Paul respected Peter and had Peter's best interests in mind when he confronted him. He confronts him in front of others, so they too could hear his message and be confronted themselves. Yet, confrontation does not always come from others per se. I hope each of you takes more time than this to read your Bible. When doing so, you feel the Spirit move on your spirit. Or maybe in church when the Scripture is read, you feel it then. The preacher may not even speak on the issue you feel confronted by, or maybe they do. Either way, listen and meditate on it (Hebrews 3:15). God does not seek to change or remove what is good in our lives, but instead only that which takes our joy (John 15: 1-11) whether we know it at the time or not.
Pray with me..., Holy God we admit it is hard to get our attention sometimes. The changes You call for threaten our way of being. Continue Your work in us O God until we know what You know, and we can rejoice in it. Lord, we ask your blessing upon our loved ones and upon our church. Help us to be the people you call us to be, in Jesus' name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian