Devotional - May 31st, 2023


      Scripture: James 2: 8   If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. (lev 19:18)

Today, we will conclude our study of the book of James.  Folks, thank you for making this journey with me.  And yes, it was a journey with me.  Whenever I work in this way, I journey right along with you.  Anyone who studies the Scriptures and is not affected by it, is not interacting with the Spirit and the text.  What I get out of the text and share may prompt you in a way that is different from me.  Great!  Be open to the prompting and what it is showing you about yourself, others, and God.  I feel sorry for people who cannot do this kind of reflective work.  It shows they are struggling in many ways.  The book of James, which we started on August 3, 2022, was a letter that was meant to churn and agitate the souls of those who belonged to the Jerusalem church as well as the Messianic communities outside of Jerusalem.  It was written in such a way as to make them think about what they were doing.  We, by way of association, are challenged in the same way because the issues James addressed are still present and active in our churches today.  When I began this study, I omitted one tidbit you may want to know.  The name of the book is wrong,  What!  Don't tell me that!  Well, in many modern translations, the book of James is listed as Jacob because the name Jacob adheres closer to the actual translation of the name.  It is perfectly fine to use the name James, but should someone say it is Jacob, they are not wrong.  To be consistent, I will keep using James.  As you read through the book, you found it to be quite proverbial in it's approach.  James did not mind jumping from one point to another as he saw fit.  The crux of his teaching stayed close to the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7) with special emphasis on the royal law, or Golden rule (Mt 22: 36-40 / Deut 6:5, Lev 19:18).  Living these teachings of Jesus truly is one of the greatests challenges we face as Christians.  But any growth we make in actualizing Jesus' teaching in our lives reaps rewards that far outway the hardship we endured to attain them.  James calls his reader to press onward and grow.  Yes, it may bring you face to face with your worst fears and difficulties.  But remember, you have a loving God who is faithful and trustworthy who walks with you.  James speaks from experience.  He remained faithful and true when faced with martyrdom.  James died for the faith by way of being stoned and beaten to death somewhere between AD 62-69.  Like all the martyrs, to live the Life of Christ was a privilege that ended in victory.  James often is interpreted as a harsh book.  A judgemental and cold read.  It is not.  It, like all the teachings of Jesus, is based on love.  God's love for us and ours for one another. 

Pray with me...,  Gracious God, we give thanks for the love and mercy You show us each day.  They give us the support we need to grow, without fearing Your wrath.  Continue Your work in our lives through Your Holy Spirit.  Be with our loved ones, bless them, we pray, in accordance with their needs.  Bless our church, so we can be the people You call us to be in Jesus name, Amen.

God's peace,

Pastor Brian


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