Devotional - October 26, 2022
Scripture: James 1: 18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.
One of the dangers of doing a devotion like this, verse by verse, is losing track of the continuity found in the overall text. When we go verse by verse, we can look at different words or phrases in depth. But in doing so, we can lose the context in which it is said. Yet, it is easily ratified if we stop from time to time and look back at what we have covered. Today's verse begins with "He." Who is he? The Father from whom all good things come and in Whom there is no variation. The good found in our Heavenly Father is consistent and dependable. So dependable, that we can rely on it, come what may. We, the Messianic community founded in and by Jesus, are created (given birth) through His word (John 1:1-5, 17). The community which was formed around Jesus, metaphorically speaking, is a type of "first fruits" for God. A first harvest of those who responded faithfully to God's call through Jesus Christ (Matt 9: 37-38). Yes, as the church, we are a Judeo-Christian community (Romans 11:16 and 24). But, we are more than that, we are our own community (1 Peter 2:9) that bears witness to Christ's reign. As those in the Old Testament bore witness to the initial covenants of God, we bear witness to the new covenant of God made through Christ. We do not always think of ourselves (Christian community) as being a creation. But let's take a moment and think about the creation narratives in the first chapter of Genesis. God created through word, calling into being, and Spirit (which in Hebrew has it's roots in the word, breath). Jesus came into the world as the Word, and He too created His community through speaking, calling out. He too breathed into, or on if you prefer, His disciples (John 20:22). Later, God's Spirit would come into the world (Act 2). The same dynamic is being played out in both scenarios. So, when James says we are a kind of first fruits of all he created (in Christ), we understand. The point I want to make is that God's work in creating the Christian community is intentional and purposeful, just like that found in Genesis. What God began, God will complete (Phil 1:6). We, as the church, are co-creators with God in this effort. Personally, I find a lot of pleasure in this endeavor. I hope you do too.
Pray with me..., Holy God, we are thankful that You are in our midst. As the psalmist says, goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives, and for that, we are thankful. Lord, we ask Your blessing on our loved ones and on our church. Help us Lord to be the people You call us to be, in Jesus name, Amen
God's peace,
Pastor Brian