Devotional - April 2, 2023

Scripture: Now listen you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will love and do this or that. As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil. If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.

I’m sure James had a nice side…We do not see it much in his letter, but I believe he had one. What caught my attention was James’ use of mist as a metaphor. Jerusalem is a very arid region. But like other places, during the evening when things cool down, humidity can build up in the air. Come sun up, it evaporates quickly as the air warms and the light from the sun emerges. Any mist that forms is short lived. James relates mist to time and lifespan. When we were young we used to think a year was eternity but as we grew older something happened. Time starts to speed up. It is tempting to let that scare you. Yet, let James’ question challenge you. What is your life? How do you live your life? James is clearly writing this text to a specific group of people in the church who spend their time boasting and scheming. Their life is about money as they travel and seek to make more. James tells them, you are like mist. The funny thing is, many of them deep down may well have agreed. They barely live a day as the days fly by. The crazy thing is, they are doing wrong, knowingly sinning, but they keep on going and yet claim the church. Do you? Have you ever lived this way?

I think most of us can relate to a certain extent. Even people whose livelihoods are religious in nature can live far from God. The second scenario James presents is much different. Yes, you live your life. You make your plans and decisions as best you can, but you do so in the presence of God. You welcome each day as a gift from God. God, not fast living is the reason for being. Some would say how fun is that? Honestly, a lot. God gave us this amazing universe. God has given us skills, gifts, and abilities; a curious mind. To waste our life pursuing riches, to spend out time thinking we are something we are not is truly unfortunate. Yet, in our day in our country, some call it a way of life. James calls his church away from that kind of living. Why? Because, they are missing all that God has given them each day. Some tragically never know the goodness of God before their life vanishes. We live amidst a tempest of concerns, pressures, and angst. Like the disciples, we may think out life is blowing off course or going to sink. If possible, during such times, turn your eyes upon Jesus, just like the song says(Mark 4: 35-41), Hebrews 2:2). Live out your day in the fullest way possible and in a good way. By doing so you can have peace knowing that is all God asks of you.

Pray with me…Holy God, we confess we allow ourselves to get caught up in the thrills and excitement of this life. Boasting and claiming what is truly not ours. Forgive us and lead us in your ways. O God, so we can fully experience the blessing found in wach day. Bless our loved ones we pray, bless them according to their needs. And bless our church, so we can be the people you call us to be. In Jesus name, Amen.

God’s peace, Pastor Brian


Devotional - April 12, 2023


Devotional - March 26, 2023