Devotional - December, 13, 2023
Scripture: Psalm 80:1 Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock. You who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine forth.
The psalmist calls us to pay attention to many things today. As he calls out to God, he calls to us too. He asks the "Shepherd" of Israel to hear him. Shepherds usually work in teams. One being out front leading the sheep forward, seeing what lies ahead. The other behind keeping the sheep moving and protecting them from any dangers that sought to attack and scatter the sheep. The shepherd knows where to graze the herd and provide water. The shepherd knows the safest paths and how to get them from one place to another. In many ways, the shepherd lives and works with the sheep throughout the day and night. The sheep follow and abide with the shepherd. If they choose, they can run away from the herd or get lost. So too it is with us and God. The prodigal son was granted leave when he requested it (Luke 15: 12-13). Getting lost, on the other hand, is another matter altogether (Matthew 18:12-14, Luke 19:10). We do that plenty of times, but God comes to our aide. But, learning to follow God is a process; notice the reference to Joseph. Yes, Joseph rose to great power and took his place as being the man who God used to deliver Israel, but look at the path God used to get him there. Maybe not the path you or I would want, but God does not make robots. He teaches us and guides us through the situations we encounter each day. The question is, are we willing to be humble and honest enough to receive it. Sheep are humble animals and once they learn a particular route they stay with it. The final depiction of God is the Shepherd taking his place between the cherubim. Taking his place in the Temple (1 Kings 6:27), upon the Ark where the angels are on either side, bowed down, covering God with their wings (Exodus 25:17-20). Do you remember the name of the place where God resided on the ark? That right, the Mercy Seat (Exodus 25:17)! Though God is all-powerful, God chooses to be merciful (Romans 3: 21-26) for our benefit (Isaiah 3:18). As the Light of Advent continues to shine forth in your heart, seek to grow in the wisdom you receive this Christmas season.
Pray with me..., Holy God, You bless us and provide for us each day. Receive our thanks and praise for Your provision and guidance. Bless, we pray, our loved ones. Bless them in accordance with their needs. Hear us as we pray for those who struggle this time of year. Bless them Lord with the strength and support they need. And yes Lord, bless our church, so we can be the people you need us to be, in Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian