Devotional - December, 20, 2023
Scripture: Luke 2: 13-14 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
It seems the word suddenly and angels go together in the Bible. Angels rarely ease onto the scene. One minute they are there and the next they are not. We know from recent devotions the word angel means messenger. They deliver the message of God to the people in word and deed. And they do so, faithfully. As we watch the Advent narrative unfold, we see folks waver a bit in their willingness to follow God's instruction. They go forward, but they do so after some consideration. Nothing wrong with that. Being wise in the decisions we make is not the same as doubting God. Zacharias flat out dismisses, or doubts, God's ability to bless him and Elizabeth (Luke 1:18-20). And he does so as a priest, in of all places, God's own house. He knew what God did for Abraham and Sarah. Through him and his wife, God would remind the people of God's promise to fulfill the covenant God made through Abraham. Zacharias needed some time to see the bigger picture before he could speak further. He came around, but let's not judge him for his discretion. Rather, be encouraged. Unlike Mary, who ponders what God is doing (Luke 2:19). Who inquires of God to better understand (Luke 1:26-38), he doubts. But, God continues to work with him until he understands and has the correct message (Luke 1:59-64). You can always rely on God's mercy and faithfulness. It truly is amazing and real. And to think, this season of Advent is our celebration of God opening the gates and inviting us in. Through our relationship with Christ, our joy is made complete. We never need to despair or feel hopeless again. So like the angels, we too can say, glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and good will to all.
Pray with me..., Holy God during this time of celebration hear our prayers for those who are struggling, despairing, not rejoicing. May we, through our words and deeds, carry Your message to them in a way they can hear and understand. But Lord, be with us too. We confess, we struggle to celebrate this time as well. Restore unto us the joy of Your salvation. Hear us as we pray for our loved ones and friends. Bless them in accord with their needs. And bless our church, we pray, so we can be the people you call us to be, in Jesus name, Amen
God's peace,
Pastor Brian