Devotional - November, 15, 2023
Scripture: Exodus 20:17 You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
After reading this, we, like Peter, might want to say, "who again is my neighbor?" (Luke 10:29). But let's be clear about the word covet. Many get it mixed up with jealousy, not that the Bible has anything good to say about that either (Titus 3:3, James 3:16). To covet is to yearn to possess something that belongs to another. In some ways, it precedes stealing, but it is more... When someone covets something you have, you know it. It makes for unease. A tension between you and them. You don't trust them and for good reason. Let this exist throughout a community and before you know it, you don't have much of a community. The community of God needs to be built on truth and trust. To covet what another has shows no regard for your neighbor. Like stealing, coveting is a desire that could be met if the person did their own work and attained it for themselves. The reason why they see happiness in another's wife is due to her marriage. The servants coveted do well because of how they are being treated and so on. Moreover, the one covetting needs to enjoy what he/she has rather than imagine things would be better if they had what others have. But some still persist and it falls under the category, "if only..." Now granted, there are scenarios where we could do better if things were different, but that is not what is being addressed here. This is the person who is always looking out the window wishing and wanting. You may say, "is that really worthy of being a commandment?" I mean, not advisable - yes, but a commandment, like killing? Well, think about it this way. If a person spends their whole life pining away in this manor, is that really living? Where are they, as a person, in all this? Are they just a big need? How can they love and contribute toward others and the greater community if all they want is what others have? It's a problem and it's sad when you see people who have it. Most of all, where does God fit into the picture? Like the neighbor, nowhere. They are to focussed on the things they want and wondering how to get it. Know that you are blessed (Ps 84:11).
Pray with me.., Holy God, we confess we sometimes think, if only..., or look at others and want what they have, thinking it would make us happier in life. Lord, restore to us the joy of Your salvation in all things. Hear us, O God, as we pray for our loved ones, bless them according to their needs. And bless our church, O God, that we may be the people you call us to be, in Jesus name Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian