Devotional - November, 8, 2023
Scripture: Exodus 20:16 You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
As with all but two of the commandments, this one begins with "you". The commandments were communal in nature, but each person had to do their part. Should someone bear false witness against another it would ripple throughout the community and affect others, if not the whole community. The essence of this command lies in it's legal nature. In any good courtroom drama, there's that moment when the bailiff stands before the witness and asks them to put their right hand on the Bible and raise their left. Then comes the question, "do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" And the witness solemnly answers, "I do." I always wondered if anyone shook their head and said, "nope." According to the laws of Israel, a case was decided on the testimony of two witnesses (Deut 19:15 and Num 30:35). The penalty of giving a false testimony was severe (Deut 19: 16-21). CSI was not around then and evidence was hard to come by, so it usually came down to the witness's testimony. To bear false testimony against another, whether in court or in public, corrupted the entire community with falsehood. It was an offense against the one being lied about and also the one being lied to because they believed the lie, innocently. If they shared it, or acted on it, they ended up participating in it as well. More importantly, the Israelites, like us, were the community that represented God to the world. A God who is just and righteous, loving to the core. To let God be represented by a community that allows false witnesses, liers, is diametrically opposed to the nature of God and the community of God. Rather, we are to bear witness to the truth about others and about God. Regardless of the covenant we live under, we are called to be upright and live with integrity (Gen 17:1). Unfortunately, in today's society, Pontius Pilate's attitude about truth (John 18:38) is more evident than ever. May we as a church always heed the directive given in this command and the encouragement of Paul (Ephesian 4:29-32). As with all the commands of God, to break them is to sin against God and others. More than that, it becomes our testimony. So many have left the church because of what they see. Sooner or later, the lie, the false testimony gets revealed (Num. 32:23, Eccl, 12:14) and the church suffers for it. Yet, it is the Truth that has set us free (John 8:36). The truth about God and who we are in Christ. We can be honest knowing God is with us. Let us make no room for anything else.
Pray with me ..., Holy God we confess at times we hide in falsehood. We do not tell the truth and bear witness to the truth found in You. Have mercy upon and strengthen us, show us the way. Hear us, as we lift our loved ones and friends to You. Bless them we pray in accordance with their needs. And, yes Lord, bless our church. Help us to be the people You call us to be, in Jesus' name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian