Devotional - November, 1, 2023
Scripture: Exodus 20: 15 You shall not steal.
Stealing is the act, or offense, of taking another's property without permission or legal right without intending to return it. Thieves steal. If it's happened to you, as it has to most, it is aggravating to the point of being enraging because it is personal. Even if what was taken was small or thought to be insignificant, it was yours. Thieves don't care. They often feel a sense of entitlement due to their circumstances or some just enjoy the act of doing it. God makes it clear; no excuse is good enough to commit the act. In the time that this was written, what people had was their lifeline. Walmart was not around the corner, and even if it were, money was scarce. In some countries today, many of which being third-world countries, to steal from another is an egregious act because the victim is forced to carry on without what was stolen. Their life being diminished by what was taken. But, it goes beyond that, to steal from another changes them. The letter of this law deals with property, but I think the spirit of this law goes further. People can steal things like credit for doing something. Some steal rather than do what is necessary to attain it themselves. Paul tells his readers to work for what they need and not fall prey to this kind of temptation (2 Thes 3: 7-12). Some people are very subtle in how they steal. They put people in situation where the person feels forced to hand something over. They may not point a gun at them, but it is stealing just the same. Yet, how often we see that ill-gotten gains tend to come back on folks (Pr 10:2). Stealing is an act of filling a need. When you feel tempted to steal, ask yourself, why am I trying to take from the other. Why do I feel so deficient in this area of my life that I would steal from someone, rather than earn it the right way. Am I really that bad off? Often times, what was stolen, the person already has or does not need, but they think they do. If they really do need it, they can do the work to get it, but they don't. This command works like the others in that you can interpret it by stating the opposite. Thou Shalt Not Steal, becomes You Shall Provide. Rather than stealing from others, you provide for yourself in the right way (1 Tim 6: 6-10). To steal, is to not think yourself worthy or capable enough to provide for yourself. God does not allow for that kind of thinking. God knows who you are in Christ. Do you?
Pray with me..., Gracious God, help us to be satisfied with what we have, or can have, as long as You are by our side. Help us to resist being deceived by greed. Bless us Lord, that we can be a blessing, both in and of ourselves and through the church. Hear our praise and thanksgiving for what You have given us. Hear us as we pray for loved ones and family, bless them in accord with their needs, in Jesus' name, Amen
God's peace,
Pastor Brian