Devotional - October, 25, 2023
Scripture: Exodus 20:14 You shall not commit adultery.
As with the last command this one is stated clearly and abruptly. No, this way or that, just straight to the point. Adultery is a breach or violation of a covenant relationship. But, relationship between who? Many forget that the marriage relationship is a covenant between a husband and a wife ...and God. That's right folks ...and God. To violate any of the precepts of marriage carries both the penalty of dishonoring the spouse and the God in Whose name the covenant was made. In the wedding service that I provide, I word it such that the Third Party in the marriage ceremony is pronounced a little stronger so as not to be missed. Today, many do not have church or religious services. They utilize a justice of the peace or even a friend or acquaintance to do the ceremony. Nothing wrong with that as long as the sincerity and quality of the relationship between the two getting married is clear and devote. Whether people are religious or not, betraying their trust is devastating because it affects the very core of their personhood. To not recognize the life and personhood of another is really a deep issue. Unfortunately, nowadays it seems people are caring less and less about living with integrity and being trustworthy. They have lost sight of the societal repercussions of doing so. They think, who cares. Well, a lot of people, and their response shows it. God calls us to be trustworthy, as God's name is trustworthy (Proverbs 3:5-6). But more than that, if you care about other people, especially your spouse, betraying their trust is the last thing you would want to do. It hurts them. Life is hard enough and they are helping you get through it (Ecc 4:10). But, there is more... When I did my nephews wedding, during the ceremony, they braided three strings. One for the groom, one for the bride, and one for God, it is called a Three Strand Ceremony or God's Knot (Ecc 4: 9-12). As with the other commands, this command is not just about obeying, it is about succeeding in life. Yes, during a person's lifetime they can choose how to conduct themselves. But if they truly want to live and enjoy their life, then they need to respect and honor their covenant relationships. Love one another and God (Matt 22: 36-40).
Pray with me... Holy God, we at times slip into thinking we should treat others in the way we have been treated. We don't feel cared for, so we don't care. Heal us O God, lift our spirits, grant us the strength to maintain a higher standard. Hear our prayers for family members and friends, bless them we pray in accord with their needs. And grant Your blessing on this church that we can be the people You call us to be, in Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian