Devotional - October, 18, 2023
Scripture: Exodus 20:13 You shall not murder (kill).
Quick, simple and to the point, the Amplified Bible adds a clarifying note that hones the point a little more. It defines murder as unjustified, deliberate homicide. Hhhmm, but who gets to decide whether the homicide was justified or not; some form of court, the perpetrator, the victim, bystanders? You may say God, well ultimately that is true, but these laws were given for societal use. Let's first look at how the laws are presented. They start with one's proper understanding and relationship with God and then move to the family. If we draw this, one's most inner circle would be with God, then the family, then today, we would add society. Although, what goes for society also pertains to family life as well. The circles are not separate, but build on one another. The difficulty defining the last five laws depends on one's perspective. If they are approached simply from a legal perspective, then arguments can be made to and fro. What you call murder, I call self defense. Maybe a better way to understand this command is through a Biblical argument. We understand that life comes from God. The root definition of the name of God, YHWH (LORD), means breath or being. So to kill another person ultimately is an act against God, because people are the living images of God (Genesis 1:26-27, 2:7). The first time sin is named in the Bible is during God's confrontation with Cain (Genesis 4:6-7). God knew Cain's intentions. Cain murders Abel and in so doing, sins, and bears the consequences of his actions. Abel may have died, but that did not deny him justice from God. The key element being God's lecture to Cain. It went to the heart of the matter which is exactly what Jesus does with it (Mt 5: 21-26). The way we judge ourselves and others, as well as the situations in which we find ourselves, bears greatly upon our actions. One person can say something to you and you laugh. Another can say the same thing and it infuriates you. The only thing that separates the two is your interpretation of the scenario. And we know, you could never be mistaken in your interpretation... ; ) For devotional purposes, let's resolve this matter by focussing on ourselves. First, I need to recognize that I am a creation of God, the giver of life, made in the image of God. When I recognize that, I need to understand the same is true for others whether they know it or not. If I do that, then it would go to reason that my efforts in life should be to promote and uplift what God has created in myself and others, not destroy it. I should focus my efforts on being a part of the saving purpose of Jesus Christ (1 Cor 2:2) and leave the judging to Him (Lk 6:37). I find it interesting that some can vehemently defend causes to preserve life, and at the same time, support things that destroy it too. The simplest way to fulfill or adhere to this command is by doing the opposite. And doing so, not just from a legal perspective, refraining from murder, but on other levels too. Rather than judging, I will seek to understand. Rather than giving into jealousy, I will recognize and appreciate what I have and who I am in Christ. Rather than losing my temper and lashing out, I will see the others as people who also have relationships to others and to God. Why? Because I am not just the recipient of the life given by Christ, but I also seek to be part of the gift Christ gives to others (John 10:10).
Pray with me..., Holy God I confess I can get lost in my own little world. Seeing only what others take from me. I confess that leads to evil, to murderous intent. Lord, receive my confession and thanksgiving for all that You have done and all that You will do for me. Use me in Your life giving and saving efforts. Lord, hear our prayers for family and friends. Bless them, we pray according to their needs. And bless our church, so we can continue to do Your will in Jesus Name we pray, Amen
God's peace,
Pastor Brian