Devotional - August 16, 2023
Scripture: Isaiah 56: 6-8….
Isaiah speaks of God’s great generosity to all of humanity. The prophet declares that no one who seeks to do God’s will, will be excluded from God’s grace. God’s great plan is to include everyone, to make it possible for every one to experience His love and the immense possibilities that He offers to all.
Luke echoes Isaiah’s promise of in Chapt. 11: 9-13. The very familiar words, “ Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open, ask and it shall be given.” Everyone who asks will be included . Everyone who truly seeks the Lord will find God. Everyone who knocks on the door of God’s temple will be invited to come in. God’s purpose is not to judge us alone, but more especially to receive us.
There is a television ad that shows some people on the streets of a city who are or seem to be outcasts. It turns out that the people are Jesus and His disciples. The key line is ‘Jesus-He gets us’. The point; that Jesus loves us and uses people who are less than perfect is powerful.
Both the gospels and Isaiah mention “foreigners”, immigrants and aliens. The Lord is all about inclusion, welcoming in the lost and downtrodden. If we look closely at ourselves, all of us have at some point fit into that definition. Being human often means not having clear answers to our problems and our destinations. God can be a GPS for us in this circumstance. The wonderful thing about coming to know Jesus in our lives is that we are able with His help and example, to find our way thru the maze of life. Jesus himself took the very terrible and difficult journey to the cross that we might begin to get a small indication of how much He cares for each of us.
Prayer: Precious Lord, take my hand…lead me on, let me stand. I am tired, I am weak, I am worn. Lead me on thru the night, thru the dawn, to the light. Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on. Amen
Devotional by and from : Clyde Powell
God's peace,
Pastor Brian