Devotional - August 6, 2023
Psalm 17: 2-7 (2) From you let my vindication come; let your eyes see the right. (3) If you try my heart, if you visit me by might, if you test me, you will find no wickedness in me. (4) As for what others do, by the word of your lips I have avoided the ways of the violent. (5) My steps have held fast to your paths; my feet have not slipped. (6) I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God, incline Your ear to my words. (7) Wondrously show Your steadfast love, O Savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at Your right hand.
David’s Psalm points to a picture of mutual righteousness between God and His people, as represented in David, the Psalmist. Because the Lord has first set the example of how we, His people, should act, the Psalmist calls upon the Lord to come into our lives to weigh and assess how well we are following Him and His example. We, says David, have tries to avois the wicked or easy way. We are trying to stick to the blueprint that He gives us. So we call upon God to be our ‘safe place’ and to support us with His love.
In Luke 8: 31-34, Jesus tries to set out a similarly clear plan for the disciples. He does so by anticipating what is coming in their work and ministry. He tells the disciples that their will be controversy. He will be arrested, beaten and crucified. He then tells them after three dayss He will rise. The disciples understand none of what Jesus says. They are totally unable to grasp His message. Somehow it will take more experience and challenge for them to understand the depth and wideness of what Jesus calls them to become. They have yet to confront the wickedness and violence of which both the Psalmist and Jesus speak of.
We. like the disciples, are often in the dark, unable to see the connections between Jesus and us. The cross is an excruciatingly difficult idea for us to come to terms with. We could assume that when Jesus spoke of it to the disciples, their thought process shut down. Jesus’ call to us is not easy. But the invitation we need to be reunited is not only to take up the cross, but to remember God’s faithfulness that lies beyond it. To be a part of the struggling and pain is also to become a part of the redemption and wholeness that awaits beyond all that. Christ calls us to ultimately rely on God’s goodness and love and to share it with each other.
Prayer: Dear God, clear our eyes and ears that we may hear and see what Your plan is for us. Strengthen our faith and help us to share the power and love found in that faith with each other. Thus, may we become more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Devotional by and from : Clyde Powell
God's peace,
Pastor Brian