Devotional - January, 17, 2024
Scripture: Galatians 1:3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
When reading commentaries, often they cite that Paul begins his letters with a standard greeting. Giving one the idea, it was written without much thought. Similar to the way you write a business letter with the appropriate addresses and cordial opening line. Personally, I do not think that is the case. Paul was a heartfelt man. What he did and what he said meant something to him. Something he wanted to extend or convey to the reader. In this case, as in many cases, he first wants to remind his reader of the grace and peace they find in God through Jesus Christ. Whatever mood the reader was in when they began the letter, Paul brings them on point with his opening line. But Paul was doing more than that, I think it was also meant for himself. When Paul writes it, he too is reminded of the same thing. His mindset was changed as well. There is a half-step for both writer and reader to consider before going further, the grace and peace found in God through Christ. By taking that half step in all that we do and say, we can radically change how we proceed. It becomes a blessing for all. It may not change what you do, or then again it may, but it definitely changes how you do it. You may do this already, and if you do, you know of what I speak. If you don't, or if you rarely do it, maybe consider doing it more in the future. Oftentimes, we proceed on our emotions or thoughts and our spiritual life (God) comes last. The result being, our spiritual life (God) is stuck cleaning up the mess made by our emotions and actions.
Pray with me..., Holy God, help us to stay focussed, help us to keep things in perspective. May all that we say and do bring You glory. Be with our loved ones we pray, provide for them in accordance with their needs and bless our church, O God. Bless us, so we can be the church you need us to be, in Jesus Name we pray, Amen
God's peace,
Pastor Brian