Devotional - January, 10, 2024
Scripture: Galatians 1: 1-2 Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead -and all the brothers and sisters with me, To the churches in Galatia:
Much is entailed in just the first few verses of Paul's letter. To begin with, his name, Paul. It used to be Saul. And when it was Saul, he was an up and coming, zealous Pharisee; a sect devoted to being pure (Acts 23:6, Philipians 3: 5-6). All of which changed on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). But one thing stayed the same, Paul's desire to give his utmost for God. How he did so changed quite a bit. In his conversion to Christianity, he became focussed and clear about who he was and what his life was about. Reading the introduction to his letter leaves us with no doubt that Paul lived his calling. His faith in God and what God did in Jesus Christ empowered his life. The changes in Paul are evident. As a Pharisee, he would have never included women in his greeting. Not because he hated women, but because it was not customary to do so. Doing so would have raised concerns about him, but Paul was no longer affected by it. As a Christian, Paul embraces the image of God being expressed in both men and women (Gen 1:27). Women played a vital role in the success of the Christian movement and needed recognition. So, in these few verses we witness radical changes in Paul as he continues to follow and serve the Lord. The thing I want you to realize is that his changes and struggles do not hinder his faith. Paul knows who he is in Christ, because he knows who Christ is and what Christ did for humanity. He no longer fears the struggles and pondering of his faith, thinking God would abandon him for doing so (Romans 8: 1-3). I hope this gives you peace about your relationship with God. As you seek to resolve the questions and issues you struggle with, know that it will lead to a deeper and deeper relationship with God. Even more, be okay with not finding clear resolution. Your salvation is not based on you knowing it all (1 Cor 13:12). Paul stands confident before the Galatians regardless of the many changes that have occured and will continue to occur in his life. The same is true for you. You also have a story. Your name, your past, your journey with Christ, all are included in your testimony. I'm guessing it is not a perfect story. Paul's wasn't either, either is mine. Instead, it is real. Remember, our service to God is not about us. And, it is certainly not about making us look good. It is about serving the Kingdom of God in a world that so desperately needs it.
Pray with me..., Holy God, You have walked us through the highways and byways of our life. At times, we have resisted You. At times, You have carried us. Thank You. Thank You for being there in all Your fullness for us. Hear us, as we pray for our loved ones. We worry about them and pray that You will bless them according to their needs. Be with our church, O God, bless us so we can be the church you need us to be, in Jesus Name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian