Devotional - January, 3, 2024
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3-4 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
Well, here we are! 2024! Every year, come the first of January, I make some resolutions. Some are grand, others not so grand, but I make them all the same. Come July, I may remember a few, but by Christmas I cannot even remember one. If you want similar results, do what I do, don't write them down ; ). If you actually want to do them, only pick a few, like two or three at most, and pick one's you know you can accomplish. Moreover, pick one's you need to accomplish. Then, post them in places where you will regularly see them. You may not work on them daily, but you will keep them in mind and you will work on them. Today, Peter pushes forth an idea that needs consideration, especially now and in the coming year. He encourages us to "participate" in the divine nature. It points to the same idea Paul makes in his letter to the Galatians (Gal 5:16). We will use that book next for our devotions. When we withhold our impulses to react long enough to incorporate wisdom in our response, we are on the right track. Justified as we may feel, being compassionate (willing to put ourselves fully into the other's situation) in our response allows for a perspective that can yield good results. And that is what we want ...right? Good results (James 1:17)? Granted, sometimes it doesn't work. And we are left wondering why we bothered in the first place. But, bother yourself anyhow, because at the very least, you know you did your part to resolve the situation. Too often people give up on participating in God's nature because it leaves them feeling ...bad, ...or mad. Notice how Peter makes his argument, it is by God's power, and our knowledge and relationship with God, that we have what we need. Do not take everything personally, but know God is with you (John 15: 18-19). Historically, people claiming Christianity have gone overboard trying to be like Jesus. They went out of their way trying to do what they thought Jesus did and were persecuted for it. They felt by doing so, their persecution for the faith would ensure them entry into the Kingdom of God. What Peter is calling for is much different. When in our actions, we show compassion, understanding, and wisdom, it yields a result that God desires, even when we make mistakes doing so. Our intentions are valid. God's Kingdom is there because our actions are a product of our knowledge and our relationship with Christ. A relationship that will teach us more and more about the situations we encounter and how best to deal with them. Our world is changing, and 2024 will be a year of changes, but Christ stays the same (Hebrews 13:8). Our anchor is secure (Hebrews 6:19). And the world needs Christ (Matthew 5:13), no matter how much it changes. The faithful service you provide makes a difference, even in what you may call small things.
Pray with me… Lord, as we begin another year, we do so with mixed emotions. Comfort our hearts we pray. Empower our lives that we may join You as You continue to bring Light to those who sit in darkness. Hear our praise as we ask for Your blessing on our loved ones. Bless them in accordance with their needs. And bless our church, so that we may be the people You call us to be, in Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian