Devotional - July 13, 2022
Philipians 4:5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
As I write today's devotional, I am listening to the melodic canned music often played when they put us on hold. This one isn't too bad. I opt to hold because I don't believe they will call me back if I press the star key. If I stay on the line, at least I know I am on the line with them. If they don't pick up, that is another story. The trick is, when and if they do pick up, trying to make sure I stay as even-tempered and positive as I possibly can be. If I do really well I make as though the wait never happened. I realize I could be getting an attendant who just finished with a bad call. I do not want to inherit the wrath meant for the previous caller. I can generate my own wrath all by myself. So, I try to stay focussed, I pray, and after another thirty minutes on hold, I try to remember why I am trying to be so patient... When picking texts for the devotionals, I pick and choose between different interpretations to get a rendition that fits my presentation. I'm sure some would argue against that, but usually the one that holds closest to the actual text works best. In this case, I was looking at different interpretations and the word gentleness (defined: the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered). It was the word used in almost all the interpretations of Galatians 5: 23 I found. Out of twenty six versions of the text, only four used other words like meekness and humility. Simply put, the word for today is gentleness. As I said on Sunday, God's calling on our life is a high calling. God calls for our A-game, twenty-four seven. Thankfully, God's grace and mercy are ever present in the Spirit in which we walk. But, listen to what I just said again. God's grace and mercy are ever present... Meaning, God is gentle with us (Matt 11:29). I think it is important to point this out specifically. In my continued spiritual development, I admit I forget that God is gentle in nature. People readily refute that citing the edicts God declares on countries that oppose Israel or cite Jesus clearing the Temple (John 2: 13-22). But, there is a lot more going on in those situations than most assume when reading through the text. Often, the actions are merrited out of God's love for God's people. We can be aggressive when protecting things we care about, but that does not define us as a person; so too with God. I think a key factor in being gentle is the motivation behind why we do it. As an example, I picked the text in Philipians. Paul was telling the Philipians there was no need to get upset or out-of-sorts with anyone because God was near. Whether a person interprets that as the coming of God in the final days or the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, it served as motivation to curb their behavior in favor of being gentle, Godly, rather than letting the situation get to them. But for some, their motivations can run much deeper. Their lives have taught them the futility of being rough. They have learned their actions heavily influence others' responses. Being gentle is a reflection of a peaceful spirit, it is a treasure indeed (1 Peter 3:4). So in closing I'll say again, it helps to know why you are being, or seeking to be, gentle. I'm sure you have examples in your life when you have consciously chosen to be gentle with others. You knew why you were doing it and, most likely, you did not regret it. Interestingly, being gentle serves a dual purpose. It soothes us, the doer, too. When you are doing things that have a calming effect on others, hopefully it helps keep you calm as well. At the very least, you walk away not worse for the wear. When you have time, meditate a bit on your disposition, why you are the way you are. Hopefully, by the grace of God, just by doing so, you will experience yourself growing in this area.
Pray with me..., Holy God, thank You for being gentle. We know, that You know, this world is not gentle and we get hurt by it. It is difficult to not do likewise. Remind us of Your Spirit being with us. You are near. Hear us as we pray for loved ones and friends. Bless them according to their needs. Be with our church, bless us and guide us, so we may be the people you call us to be, in Jesus name, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian