Devotional - July 6, 2022

Lamentation 3: 22-23

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

I find it interesting that when Jesus taught on faithfulness, especially that of His servants, sometimes He began the lesson talking about being unfaithful (Matt 21: 28-32). Many of us come to understand God's faithfulness later in our spiritual walk. We realize how God stayed faithful when our faith wavered (2 Tim 2:13). It is a humbling experience where the goodness of God shines through. In the Scripture I cited above, you read about what motivates God's faithfulness. It comes from God's great love and consistent compassion shown toward us. I hope that is the foundation on which you build your relationship with God. In short, you can trust God (Jer 17:7). Does that mean you are on easy-street from here on out (John 16:33)? Does it mean anything goes (Romans 6: 1-4)? No, but it does mean God is there for you (Romans 8:31). But that is God, what about us? How do we stay faithful? First, how do you define faithfulness? It should be along the lines of remaining loyal and steadfast. Being faithful to others and God does not rule out change and discovery. God's mercies are renewed every morning which is another way of saying constantly. Because of this, we are on a continual track of learning more about God, ourselves, and the world around us (2 Peter 3: 17-18). It's odd to think the basis of faithfulness is rooted in things like forgiveness, mercy, and patience. Yet, what relationship marked by faithfulness and longevity is without it? Even look at companies like Google, how have they stayed vital over the years. Their business model is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Regardless of what people think about them, or what they think about each other, that is the model and the ideology they support and remain faithful too. If their actions do not reflect that model, it is not Google. One can only imagine all that goes on there on any given day, but they have to stay focussed and faithful toward fulfilling that model or others will pass them by. Faithfulness is critical for success. I hope you are comforted in knowing that the One who calls you to be faithful is faithful to you.

Pray with me... Gracious God, we are thankful for Your faithfulness. Your love and mercy greet us every morning as we begin our day. Be with our loved ones, bless them according to their needs. Continue to guide our church Lord, that we may be the people You call us to be. In Jesus name, Amen.

God's peace,

Pastor Brian


Devotional - July 13, 2022


Devotional - June 29, 2022