Devotional - July 19th, 2023
Song of Solomon Chapter 2 vs. 10-13: Vs. 10: My beloved speaks and says to me; Arise my fair one and come away, Vs, 11: For now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. Vs. 12: The flowers appear on the earth; the times of singing has come and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land. Vs. 13: The fig tree plants forth its figs, and the vines are in blossom, they give forth fragrance.
This passage from the Song of Solomon expresses the relationship between the Lord and Israel as a betrothal between a bride groom and a bride (a somewhat familiar theme in some of Jesus’ parables. These particular verses refer to a springtime in the relationship. Yes, the winter is now past; an observation that the journey has included colder and perhaps more difficult times. Importantly at this point the wonderful thing is about our bond with God in Jesus is the promise that what is coming to be in the future; the springtime.
In Luke Ch. 13, vs. 43-44, we hear Jesus speak to the thief on the cross with the promise that because of his faith he will not be forgotten but will accompany Jesus in resurrection. When the winter of the cross is over Jesus will bring with Him those who love Him. Jesus is the bridegroom of the Song of Solomon who invites us to share the flowers, the song, the turtle dove, and the blossoms of the vine; the essence of His love for us. The promise of good things is ever present even as the more dire moments on the cross seek to overcome us. His promise to us is that we will overcome; that Christ is faithful to His people and will call us home.
Prayer: Dear God, we constantly depend on Your grace and loving forgiveness. Equip us to share that message of love with others and that Your will for the world may be triumphant through the cross and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Amen
Devotional by and from : Clyde Powell
God's peace,
Pastor Brian