Devotional - July 12th 2023
Psalm 119; vs. 105-112
vs. 105: Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. vs. 106: I have sworn an oath and confirmed it, to observe your righteousness ordinances. Vs. 107: Iam severely afflicted, give me life, O Lord, according to your word. Vs. 108: Accept my offerings of praise, O Lord, and teach me your ordinances. Vs. 109: I hold my life in your hand continually, but I do not forget your law. Vs. 110: The wicked have laid a snare for me, but I do not stray from your precepts. Vs. 111: Your decrees are my heritage forever, they are the joy of my heart. Vs. 112: I incline my heart to perform your statutes, forever, to the end.
The Psalmist speaks to the challenges found in our commitment and obedience to God verses the challenges, the weakness, the temptations and the frailty of our humanity. It is really a question of human roles and ideas as opposed to divine rules and ideas. In Matthew ch. 4, vs. 28-31, Jesus comes across the sea walking on the water towards a boat full of disciples. Peter calls out to him and then to get out and walk on the sea to walk to Jesus, and then abruptly starts to sink. Jesus reaches out his hand and brings Peter into the boat with him. Peter, like all of us got caught up in the moment. He was trying to do what he thought Jesus would have him do, but wasn’t quite up to it. He thought he could do it himself but found that he needed Jesus. This is similar to the request of the Psalmist to God; to reach out to Him in his frailty and in complete mess.
We need God in Jesus to complete us. We suffer under the illusion that if we make a valiant attempt to follow the rules it should be enough, We need to go to the next step to realize that God in Jesus will fill in our inadequacies and unpreparedness. The power of Jesus’ love for us is the ‘X’ factor that lifts us up and keeps us from drowning.
Prayer: O God, remind us that Your hand always reaches out to us in the storm. Forgive our lack of attention to You and to others. Help us to move out of our selfish intents and blind thoughts to see what Your plan is in the living Christ. Amen.
Devotional by and from : Clyde Powell
God's peace,
Pastor Brian