Devotional - July 5th 2023

    Scripture: Ps. 89: 15-18

Vs. 15: Happy are the people who know the Festal Shout, who walk O Lord, in the light of Your countenance. Vs. 16; They exult Your name all the day long. And, extol Your righteous ness.

The Hebrew people are called by God into a mutual agreement that we call a covenant. The first part of Psalm 89 vs. 3, refers to this special agreement between the Lord and His people. The covenant can be seen as a source of joy, celebration and freedom; a reason to raise the Festal Shout and extol God’s righteousness.

As we observed the Fourth of July we could perhaps see parallels between our Biblical heritage and the celebration of America’s founding. What the Lord gives to us is a special way to celebrate both covenants. Just the sheep know the voice of the Shepherd (John 10; vs. 3: “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out”). So, too, with our nation’s birthday we are invited to common purpose and mutual concern for each other. We lift up God’s gift to us. In all this we seek to hear the voice of Jesus our Shepherd, urging us to fortify our efforts to reach out to the stranger and each other.

Prayer: Dear God; We rely on Your voice to be the banner behind which we march. Inspire us, renew us, and prepare us to do what You would call us to do to bring to light the kingdom of Jesus Christ in our midst. In Jesus name, Amen.

From : Clyde Powell

God's peace,

Pastor Brian


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