Devotional - Oct. 9, 2024
Scripture: Galatians 6: 1-3 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.
Paul begins by making it clear he is speaking to everyone. He calls them brothers and sisters which reminds them who they are to each other and to God. Paul lives in the real world and covers the issue of sin that is found within the church. He focuses their efforts on restoration, not exploitation. So often, when folks find dirt on others, they see it as an opportunity to degrade others to their own benefit. Paul reminds us, the church is a whole, one entity. We rise and fall together. But when unified, we are greater than the sum toll of our parts (people). Paul is calling on those who are in Christ, to help the others in their failings. We all have ego's which are easily wounded. We all make mistakes and yes we all sin. Notice Paul does not say "correct" the person, he says "restore" them. Rarely, will someone change and be right because of something you say, and beware of the one who says differently. Most will feel offended or embarrassed if you expose their shortcomings. They will get angry and that will be the last time they listen to you. Now, I am not saying hide the sin. But, if you keep those involved in the church, the Body of Christ, God can use many avenues to help them correct the "sins" in their life. Nothing happens overnight, but in time and through the Community of Christ, God can move in mysterious and profound ways. Instead of exploiting others or working behind their back, we are called to help others, just as Christ helps us. The church is not a corporation and does not operate in any other ways except our CEO's, that of Jesus Christ. But Paul adds one thing, he adds a warning. Be careful not to be tempted to go the way of the person you are trying to help. Sounds obvious, but it is not. Many think they have a strong foundation in Christ, but do not; especially, when something comes along that makes them feel safe or comfortable. The Judiasers were offering complete security with God for those who followed their way. But, the principles of their way were never found in the teachings of Christ.
Pray with me .., Holy God help us as we seek to control our anger and our needs in the face of others shortcomings. Help us to do our part knowing that You will do Yours for the sake of Your church. Be with our loved ones, bless them we pray, and we ask Your blessing on our church, so we can be the people you call us to be. In Jesus name we pray, Amen
God's peace,
Pastor Brian