Devotional - Oct. 16, 2024
Scripture: Galatians 6: 3-5 If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.
I had to double-up on verse three from last week, because it is what leads into the next two verses. Folks we are human which is neither an excuse or justification for the ill we do. But it does account for the fact that we are not perfect. The mere thought of perfection only correlating to the one thinking of it. Self reflection is good, if it is done from the right perspective. It is a way of testing our own actions. But sometimes our best thinking is what got us into trouble. Why did I do or say what I did ...really? I can find reasons for my actions that would benefit the church, but is that really why I did it? If my actions were altruistic in nature, then all is well, and I can be happy with it. If not, I need to be aware the ends did not justify the means, not in God's eyes. The words, I was just trying to help, do not work. Help who? This is the last chapter in Galatians, so we know Paul is concluding his letter. His aim is to unify the church amidst the efforts of others who seek to divide and destroy it. The Galatian church is founded on Jesus Christ which means the teachings of Jesus are in full force within it's community. No, it does not make it easy, but it does make it good with God. It calls for each member to be honest, with and about, themselves and with others ...and with God. Being who we are, being humble, is one of the greatest gifts God gives us in the life of Christ.
Pray with me.., Holy God, we are who we are and You are who You are. How thankful we are that You came to claim us and others as Your own through Jesus Christ. Help us to grow in who we are in You each day. Be with our loved ones we pray, bless them according to their needs. And hear us as we ask Your blessing on the church, so we can be the community You call us to be, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian