Devotional - Dec. 4, 2024

Scripture: Isaiah 26: 3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.  

Peace is our second attribute of walking in the Spirit.  Isaiah gives us good advice in the text above.  The believer's peace is found in their relationship with God by knowing who God is and believing that God is with them.  We claim this peace through Jesus Christ (Jn 16:33).  But claiming and believing (trusting) are two different things (Mt 7: 22-23).  Unfortunately, for many, trusting others is difficult.  They have been let down, or flat out betrayed, so many times they baulk at the thought of trusting again.  God understands that, especially when we are being asked to believe in something we cannot see.  God does not ask for much to begin with, just a little (Mt 17: 20-21).  Being willing to open our eyes just a little so we can see what God has to show us.  If we do, God will continue to show us more and more and our faith will grow.  When our faith in God grows, so too does the peace in our hearts.  Will it keep all the difficulties of life away, no, but it will give us the power to overcome them (Romans 8:37).  But let me add one thing, if we want peace, we need to be peaceful in our dealings with others.  Start a problem, or worse yet, be problematic and ... (Pr 19:13, 26:17, Gal 6: 7-9).  If we want peace, we have to work at it.  We have to choose it (Ro 8:6, Ro 12:18, Jn 14:27).  As we continue our journey into the Advent season, let us let more Light into our lives.  Claim the peace you have in Christ. 

Pray with me ...,  Holy God, we confess we allow things, we even do things, that destroy the peace in our lives.  Restore to us the joy of Your salvation and the peace it brings.  Hear us as we pray for our loved ones.  We ask Your blessing over them and our church.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

God's peace,

Pastor Brian


Devotional - Dec. 11, 2024


Devotional - Nov. 27, 2024