Devotional - Dec. 11, 2024
Scripture: Ephesians 4: 1-3 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Paul writes to the Ephesians while being imprisoned in Rome. They always say, don't send any emails or texts when mad. They are right. One would think Paul would find it difficult to write about forbearance and tolerance in such circumstances, but he does. Paul has experienced enough in life to prioritize his mission over his circumstances (Phillipians 4: 11-13). It is hard to do. It takes a lot of patience with others and with yourself. We rarely think of that side of forbearance, being forbearing, or patient with ourselves. Yet, it is where it all begins. If we are frustrated, everything around us becomes intolerable. Our frustration with ourselves can originate early in our lives when others were not patient and understanding of us. Be that as it may, we need to claim that role and treat ourselves in ways that allow for growth and understanding. It is how God deals with us (Matthew 11: 28-30 and Romans 8:26). God would rather be patient with us, forbearing our shortcomings, than anything else (Isaiah 30:18). And believe it or not, others put up with us on a daily basis. Astounding as that sounds, it happens ...most every day. We may not even be aware of the issue, but others are very aware of it. The thing is, it may not even be entirely wrong in nature, just irksome. I was explaining a situation to a group a while back and noticed at one point one of them suddenly became distant and looked away. Later, I asked why he did so and he replied, "do you know how many times you said 'well' in the last few minutes?" I shrugged and mentioned a few. He noted many more than a few, like ten or fifteen. I asked if I did this a lot and he just stared at me. Yes, I use it to ease others into what I am going to say, but I thought it worked well. Apparently, I use it too often. Well..., from that time forward I sought to be mindful of it's use and to push myself to communicate my ideas differently. On the upside, at least it showed he was listening. I am thankful for those who were patient, forbearing, with me prior to that moment and I was thankful for the one who brought it to my attention. Central to living a Godly life is learning to forbear (tolerate) the shortcomings of others. Afterall, there are many who do likewise with us. As we continue to let more Light into our lives know this, God is willing to tolerate us and show us grace because God loves us. Real love is forbearing in nature (1 Corinthians 13: 4-8).
Pray with me ..., Holy God, Your grace, Your forbearance of us is our salvation. Help us see ourselves in others. Hear us as we pray for our loved ones and our prayers for our church. Bless us, so we can be the people you call us to be. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
God's peace,
Pastor Brian