Devotional - Jan. 15, 2025

Scripture: 1 Peter 4: 19  So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. 

Jesus' answer to the rich young ruler above is intriguing.  The man calls out to Jesus saying Good Teacher (Mark 10:17).  Before Jesus addresses his question, He questions him on his way of addressing Him.  Why do you call Me good?  The question probes a few things.  One, what are the man's motives?  Are they good?  Or, is the man trying to ingratiate himself to Jesus in hopes of getting what he wants from Jesus?  The response Jesus gives flattens any hopes of that happening.  But let's not be too hard on the man, after all, we read that Jesus cared about him and appreciated the efforts he made toward righteousness (Mark 10:21).  The man wants Jesus to answer the question as though it were a "how to" question.  Jesus' response calls for reflection.  If he wants eternal life, then he must be like the One who gives it.  The goodness of God is expressed in understanding, empathy and compassion.  The man does not associate who he is with the impact it has on society (due to the man's extreme riches, the rest of society lived in poverty).  God understands our lot (Hebrews 4:15), yet maintains clearity (Hebrews 4: 12-13).  Jesus continues to instruct the man on what was needed to achieve his desired end (Mark 10: 20-27).  It is interesting that the second time the man addresses Him, he only addresses Him as teacher.  What happened to the Good?  Remember, ...that only comes from God.  But, doesn't Jesus come from God (John 16: 28)?  Wasn't the man asking about eternal life?  Isn't Jesus the giver of eternal life (John 4: 13-14)?  The man did not catch the significance of the first question Jesus asked.  He only focuses on what he wants and what it will cost him in worldly things, not the Questioner.  Rather than focussing on Jesus and making the needed changes so he could have his desired end (Matthew 25:29 - in spiritual things), he only sees himself.  It is hard to see God when we dont want to accept the reality of God.  As we close, take a look at the encounter Jesus had with the rich young ruler (Mark 10: 17-27).  The values, outlook, and approach of the rich young ruler are diametrically opposed to that of Jesus Christ.  Yet, Jesus treats him well.  He is good to him, because He Himself is good (Luke 7: 17-23).  Something to think about..?

Pray with me.., Holy God how good it is that Your goodness, Your mercy, follow us all the days of our life.  Continue to work that goodness into us.  Hear us as we pray for our loved ones.  Bless them, we pray, in accordance with their needs.  And bless our church, so we can be a blessing to others, in Jesus' name, Amen.

God's peace,

Pastor Brian 


Devotional - Jan. 22, 2025


Devotional - Jan. 9, 2025