Devotional - Jan. 22, 2025

Scripture: Proverbs 15: 1  A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger

Yep, we are still working on the elements of walking by way of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-25).  Often times, I think people misinterpret the definition of gentleness or simply dont know it.  They attribute it to a person's mannerisms.  If they speak softly, they are being gentle.  Not necessarily.  They may speak softly, but that doesn't mean they are being gentle.  In actuality, it could be the opposite.  Being gentle refers to someone's temperament.  They can respond rather than react to situations they encounter.  The way they process situations makes them great moderators.  They work well with people and can address situations that are filled with wrath.  As many of you know, in a situation filled with conflict, there can be more than one party being wrathful to the others.  People who are gentle can help turn wrath into order because they help people see the whole picture.  Anger turns to wrath when people feel wronged or hurt.  Helping someone calm down, and put things in perspective, is what is needed.  If the person is able to receive what is being offered, it changes their outlook, and they may even appreciate it (Proverbs 9:8).  Some..., do not want change and there is little one can do for them.  Being gentle can be difficult.  It demands a lot of personal work.  Work that I believe is worth it's weight in gold.  For some of us, we understand what Dr. King (MLK) said, "I have decided to stick with love..., hate is too great a burden."  Harsh words come from someone who isn't in control.  They are wrathful and they cause others to be angry, or wrathful, too (Proverbs 15:18).  Maybe you've been like that, I know I have.  I like the quote from Yoda when he says, "Fear is the path to the dark side, fear leads to anger: anger leads to hate: hate leads to suffering."  Many times, anger that turns into wrath is rooted in fear.  I know there is no such thing as Yoda, but the concept is worth considering.  Fear of feeling helpless, insignificant, or insecure is powerful.  Someone can stir up those fears in another simply by the way they speak to them.  The question is, are those fears justified, especially for people of faith?  Before we close, look at how the writer deals with the relationship between anger and wrath.  It is quite ingenious really.  How do you keep things from getting out of control or wrathful?  How do you deal with a fire before it burns the place down?  By being willing to address it with people who are temperate (gentle), honest, and able to be involved in the situation.  God calls us to be those people (Phillipans 4:5, Colossians 3:2).

Pray with me..., Being gentle, O God, is difficult.  Help us in our endeavors to be so.  We are thankful that is how You deal with us.  Hear our prayers for our loved ones.  We pray that You will bless them according to their needs.  Lord, we ask you blessing on our church, so we can be the people You call us to be in Jesus' name, Amen

God's peace,

Pastor Brian 


Devotional - Jan. 29, 2025


Devotional - Jan. 15, 2025